The 11th Club Crew World Championships were a huge success. 6200 paddlers from 140 clubs from 28 different countries competed during the 6 days of this championship.

Trophies were awarded to the international club and to the hungarian club that won the most point during the competition.
Here is the ranking for the
2018 IDBF Best Overall Club
1st 22 Dragons – Canada
2nd Neckardachen – Germany
3rd Dunai Sarkanyok Vac – Hungary
4th H2o Playground – Canada
5th Koros Dragons – Hungary
6th Outer Harbour Dragon Boat Club – Canada
7th Hamilton City Watersports – NewZealand
8th NDRC – Canada
Matthew Smith, 22Dragons Head Coach, receiving the cup from
Péter Járosi (President of the Hungarian Dragon Boat Federation)
and Mike Thomas (President of IDBF)
For the complete results of the 11th Club Crew World Championships presented in Szeged, Hungary, go to